
The parish of the Great-Martyr George and its cemetery were established in 1955. This was done in association with the appearance of the Dormition Skete near Chip Lake in 1954. Parishioners from both the Wildwood parish and from the Edson parish of Saint Andrew regularly supported the monastic community nearby. This was particularly the case when Archimandrite Seraphim (Filimonoff) was left mostly alone there. This parish was served, in turn, principally by Archimandrite Seraphim until his repose in 1988.

Thereafter, the parish continued to be served by clergy of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia (ROCOR) in the region. However, in 2001, there was a split between the Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia (ROCOR) and its former leader, Metropolitan Vitaly (Ustinov).

This "parting of ways" was due in part with differences of opinion about whether or not to have any relationship with the Moscow Patriarchate. The split had many repercussions. The split (schism) produced the so-called Russian Orthodox Church in Exile (ROCE), that was led (at least officially) by Metropolitan Vitaly (Ustinov).

After that schism, this parish of Saint George was served by clergy of the schismatic (ROCE) group. It called itself the "Russian Orthodox Church Abroad - Provisional Supreme Church Authority", under the omophor of Metropolitan Agafangel (Pashkovsky) of Odessa (Ukraine), and Archbishop Andronik (Kotliaroff) of Ottawa and Eastern America.

However, further controversies arose, and this community (in association with the Parish of Saint Vladimir in Edmonton) was moved to the authority of the Metropolis of America of the Genuine Orthodox Christians of Greece.

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GPS Co-ordinates: 53.60715,-115.25488
Affiliation: Patriarchial Parishes of Russian Orthodox Church in Canada



St. George Russian Orthodox Church – Wildwood, AB